
Friday, March 28, 2008

This Sony MP3 Player is sweet!

Just bought one for way less than a stupid Ipod and it's so much better. Here's a review I found. Even though this one is their "low man on the totem pole", I assure you that it rules and only show's that Sony is really stepping up the competition with Apple.
Sony’s S610 is their low man on the totem pole in the new line of video flash players sporting 2, 4, and 8GB capacities. This is last year’s model but Sony has decided to keep it around to accompany the newer 2.4” screened Bluetooth players. But don’t let the “last year’s model” deter you from purchasing. The S610 is by no means out of date- features, sound quality, and video playback are comparable to most players currently on the market.

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